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I will Sing for the One I Love

Beloved among the Lilies
Beloved among the lilies Mahilet Moges

Before I gave my life to Christ, I felt like this world was an empty void abandoned by its maker. Time and time again, I was left to wander how a maker so powerful would allow chaos to rule over something he created so meticulously. As a mere human, my hope of making sense to what seemed like a disorderly place, was to find the good in things I did. I wanted to be a positive thinker and a doer of good deeds with the hope that others would become encouraged. I found singing, poetry, and writing as an outlet to let others see and experience the good the world can provide. Through my creative expression, I aspired to help others find a narrative of order in this chaotic place.  

My love for art and creative work allowed me to explore the business side in media that had left me more puzzled than encouraged. I saw the temporary fix that the media was providing to deeper issues that many of us faced. I experienced firsthand how this world was not abandoned by a careless creator, but was a result of many living in denial of a merciful creator. As I wandered further from God's truth, I started to reject many of the facts I grew up knowing. Furthermore, the writings and songs I scripted reflected these ideologies; they contained temporary fixes to deeper issues that were not even my place to fix. I, alongside the world, was offering an empty hope to the many I wished to reach.

Awakening to this realization was a pure demonstration of God's mercy on my life.

I was witnessing the favor of God that would not allow me to wander further away from him. The shift in my life came when I saw many in the industry, whom I had considered successful, lose their lives in the seemingly perfect world they had created.  I couldn't deny, when looking at their lives, that it was as if they were not in control of things, but instead, they had lost power to something or someone. This explained my own shortcomings as well and highlighted my gaping emptiness. In hopes of creating order and control in the lives of others, I myself was losing sight of what it meant to submit to the One who is truly in control. I had lost sight of God.

God created this world and had never ceased to care for it.  Many of us attempt to define and create a narrative to make ourselves feel better about the world we live in order to create joy and stability. But we seem to forget that the God who created this world never abandoned it. He’s not lounging on his throne demanding worship, and neither is he insecure and in need of it. He’s not slumbering because he consumed the fat and the goods of the needy and desperate. And He surely didn't use and abuse creative people to the point where they lost their minds for lack of their very lives.

The God who set the world in motion does not need our help to create a narrative about his handiwork for us to feel good about life.

The way, the truth, and the life

Jesus declares in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Understanding this scripture's meaning has allowed me to break off the chains of lies that had kept me bound to my misguided beliefs. My relief and joy were unimaginable as I digested this truth. I knelt and gave my life to Christ and couldn't help but be full of joy, comfort, and hope. I no longer had to worry about making the world better. I simply had to be a vessel for his presence and available for his will to be done in my life. My life along with all life is only found in Him for He is “the life.” The wages of sin is death but it was paid once and for all on the cross. We no longer have to fear death or an unknown end. All this pointed out that he couldn't abandon us without the truth, the way, and the life. 

I no longer delight in the songs of this world. It only reminds me of sorrow without the truth of who God is. It breaks my heart and leads me to pray for God's will to be done in my life. My prayer is that people will finally be set free to see the beauty in Christ's redemptive work.

The expression of God's goodness in my life was marked when I surrendered my life to him, for he has changed me and continues to do so.

Now I don't have to come up with a good song so that people will be stirred to do and think what is right. He will draw all men unto himself through the finished work at the cross. My creative expressions will now be of Him, for Him, of who He is and what He has done. He is enough! I can't help but proclaim Him, for He is the one I was seeking for myself and this world. He is and always has been and always will be my longing.


My name is Mahilet Moges and I am a child of God, wife to Nebiyou, and mother to Angie, who is living in the thrill and thrust of being God's beloved. I am a musician, singer, songwriter, and also a lead worship team member at Overflow City Church located in downtown Silver Spring. I currently reside and work in Washington, D.C. and I am originally from Ethiopia. Beloved among the Lilies is a platform where I express my love for God through song and worship as well as spoken word.


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