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Who Are We?

Streaming Nations

Free Verse by Yosan Tesfu

Who are we? I wanted to know who I am to you and you to me. I asked God to explain it for me briefly.  He smiled and said, "Well my baby, don’t you know what you all mean to me?" He said we define the body of Christ. All, including the organs, the tissues, the system and all that resides. I could be the legs but my brother could be the eyes, I could be the brain and my sister could be the lungs. Yes, to make me realize the eyes are the ones that care for the legs,

so they won’t stumble and put the whole body in trouble. Yes, to show me that my sister who serves as the lungs could provide me with oxygen,  cos if I am the brain, I need that oxygen to keep functioning. So He said again, "Dear ones, remember my word and meditate it daily; I am in you as you will be in me. Taking care of each other as one body, is showing the world the reflection of me. It's not about who is at the top,  like being the brain,  nor is it about who is at the bottom.  It's about who is willing to carry on through the journey,  while holding hands as a family.  It's about feeling the pain at the bottom,  even if you are not down there." So, now I know that my eyes tear up whenever my stomach hurts. But then my hands come all the way up to wipe the tears that fade, so that she would keep her vision clear and make the outside light enter without diversion. I finally know they are all connected with one vision. They would never be a whole body  without the presence of all, if there is division. Yes, then I guess, that's the meaning of the body of Christ. Then, you are my eyes,  the windows of my soul,  where the sun's reflection enters to fill me with hope. And I am the hand that would always be there to wipe away your tears. Don’t even need to ask me, I shall already know it, when it happens.   Your happiness is my happiness  and your pain would always be mine. Let's stay together so we could fully be one. That's what our Father wants. May His will be done! So, even if we are miles away on this earth  and we don’t know what's going on, we must believe that I got your back and you have mine. Let's grow together to the next level and win this game called life, hand in hand.


My name is Yosan Tesfu. I am originally from Eritrea and currently living in Switzerland. I am studying chemical engineering and have a passion for Art (writing poetry, theatre, drawing and so on). I am not a professional poet (yet), but I do use my pen and paper to pour out what I have in my heart. ❤️


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